It's September, and I want to give a shout out to teachers, because I have a lot of teachers in my family. I have two aunts who were teachers, and my husband, a brother, and two nieces who are all teachers. So, I may be a little biased. But teachers are, in fact, the best facilitators of encouraging us to tell our own stories.
Of the things I've held onto, as my mother did before me, are the early school writings of my son. The cramped, nearly illegible, handwriting of a young child is a window into something miraculous. It is the story of who they are, and how they see themselves. It is how they see the world around them, the people who surround them, and the things that are important to them. I'm so grateful that teachers have students put their words down on paper. Something that a parent can hold onto. That we look over many years later, maybe with a teary eye and a chuckle, and remember how our children started to define their stories.
I hope that, with the same authenticity, brutal honesty, and even childlike humor, you continue to write your own story as you did when you were a child. It's a gift to own and embrace who you are at every stage of life. May you continue to grace a page with the words that make up a beautiful legacy.
Wishing all the teachers a wonderful year with your students as you teach them the importance of their story.